H & A Pharma Kapikachhu Tablets


Kapikachhu is a single-herb formulation prepared from the seed extract of Kapikachhu (Mucuna pruriens) Kapikachhu elevates spermatogenesis and is recommended in the management of oligospermia. Kapikachhu improves spermatogenesis by stimulating luteinizing hormone (LH). Kapikachhu increases the dopamine level in the brain, which leads to the release of testosterone and then to an increase in sexual drive and general improvement in sperm count and motility. Kapikachhu contains bioactive constituents such as alkaloids that play an important role in increasing the antioxidant and antistress capacities.

Pharmacological Actions

1. Androgenic and spermatogenesis activities

Kapikachhu shows an androgenic effect by virtue o testosterone-like activity. The androgenic activity Kapikachhu has been reported to increase anabolic activity. It improves sexual behavior, libido, potency, and daily sperm production

Abnormalities in the sex hormone biosynthesis and failure of the pituitary to maintain proportionate in of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), LH, and prolactin (PRL) may lead to disruption of testicular function leading to infertility and impaired spermatogenesis dopamine, noradrenaline, adrenaline, testosterone, with increase and H. Kapikachhu elevates spermatogenesis activity term expose by stimulating LH, which triggers the secretion of testosterone by Leydig cells. Testosterone, E2, and inhibin control the secretion of gonadotropins and also a function of autoregulate their plasma concentration by acting on stress, low the hypothalamic-pituitary axis. LH controls steroid production by binding with the receptors on the Leydig along with cells, thereby inducing the synthesis of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (CAMP) from adenosine triphosphate, ascorbic a the increased level of CAMP is largely responsible for the upregulation of steroidogenesis. PRL secretion from pituitary lactotrophs is under the control of dopamine secreted from the hypothalamus. PRL level in men increases immediately after orgasm and has a role in inhibiting sexual drive and behavior. Dopamine, somatostatin, and y-aminobutyric acid are PRI-inhibiting factors Dopamine plays an important reduction role in mediating sexual behavior and function, that is, an increase of dopamine in the brain results in increased libido.

2. Aphrodisiac activity

Administration of Kapikachhu to infertile men results in a general improvement in sperm count and motility. oxidant Kapikachhu seeds are a rich source of L-DOPA and its metabolites, which include epinephrine and norepinephrine. an increase in dopamine level in the brain following treatment with Kapikachhu may not only induce the activation of sexual behavior but may also increase plasma testosterone level. It has been reported recently that L-DOPA and its metabolite that the dopamine stimulates the hypothalamus and forebrain inhibits to secrete a gonadotropin-releasing hormone. This, in turn, upregulates the anterior pituitary gland to oxidation secrete FSH and LH, causing the increased synthesis of testosterone by Leydig cells. Furthermore, spermatogenesis is controlled by the hypothalamus and co and anterior pituitary working together On the basis of these facts, it may be suggested that an increased dopamine level in the brain may not only optimize the release of hormones, including testosterone, leading to increased sexual drive and improved performance, but it may also accomplish reduction of psychological stress. Moreover, treatment with Kapikachhu may also contribute to the proper functioning of the male genital system and facilitate sperm transport and contraction of seminal vesicles.

3. Antistress and antioxidant activities

Kapikachhu administration was found to bring about a significant reduction in the level of psychological stress. Psychological stress is known to be associated with increased production of oxidants, and long-term exposure to stress may lead to the peroxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids of the sperm membrane, resulting in unfavorable alterations in the structure and function of sperms. In infertile men, under psychological stress, low seminal plasma superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) activities were observed dig along with reduced levels of glutathione and ascorbic acid. But there was an improvement in glutathione and ascorbic acid levels following treatment with Kapikachhu The improvement in antioxidant levels following treatment may be due to the reduction of oxidative stress. Kapikachhu is reported to contain many bioactive $. constituents including alkaloids, flavonoids, and alkylamines, which play important roles in increasing the antioxidant capacity. Furthermore, reduced stress and reactivation of antioxidants might, in turn, lead to a reduction in the seminal plasma lipid peroxide level.

Seminal plasma has a strong capacity to maintain a relatively neutral and protective environment for sperm function because it contains a vast array of antioxidants. Antioxidant enzymes namely SOD, CAT, glutathione peroxidase, as well as vitamins ts A, C, and E continuously operate to maintain the ty oxidant-antioxidant balance in the seminal plasma. It has been reported that the semen of infertile men contains a significantly high level of reactive oxygen species (ROS). ROS produces malondialdehyde (MDA) as an end product of lipid peroxidation. When MDA attacks the sperm membrane, it causes damage to the sperm, and this leads to infertility. A study showed that the antioxidant effect of Kapikachhu significantly inhibits lipid peroxidation, which in turn inhibits the production of MDA from ROS and prevents the oxidative damage of sperms. Treatment with Kapikachhu helps recover the levels of total lipids, triglycerides, cholesterol, phospholipids, and vitamins A, C, and E and corrects the fructose level in the seminal plasma of infertile men.


• Infertility due to oligospermia

• As an aphrodisiac

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